Just two Wisconsin Sisters
yada, Yada, yada…

Hey there!
I’m Marissa.
I have always had an obsession for tee shirts. I remember the excitement of my mom letting me pick out the Old Navy 4th of July tee shirt every summer and the pride of wearing my school colors every fall. Go Wildcats!
My obsession, love for the Midwest and good ol’ hard work have been the perfect recipe for this brand we call, The Midwest Girl®.
Starting, growing and running a tee shirt brand is fun and ever evolving. I get chills thinking of how far we have come from our first tee shirt and I get even more chills thinking of my little girl finding that same tee shirt in an old box in an attic some day and remembering a special memory of the two of us all because of that tee shirt.
That’s the dream. Creating a brand that celebrates and honors Midwest Girls everywhere, and being able to sustain that for generations. Being so proud of our roots and embracing nostalgia every chance we get.
I’m the girl you will find in your inbox or connecting with on social media. Go say hi! I also run our retail store, our team, and manage our wholesale partners.
A few fun facts: I’m a proud mama to Nellie & Sonny, wife to Kane & lover of sushi & margaritas with extra salt!
Not many people can say that their best friend, sister and business partner (in that order) are the same person. We are so grateful we can.

Hi, I’m Marah.
If we were getting fancy and super professional you could call me the product development manager, but in all reality I’m just trying to find the time to whip up a quick idea on the backside of some school paper one of my three kids brought home and hope its the next “big” one!
I was set on being a fashion designer. At least that’s what I declared during my first year of college. I mean I did have a knack for sewing pillows and was always envious of my cousins vying for the Blue Ribbon at the 4H fair. That impressive resume definitely gave me some experience in what I’m doing today. My path ended up a bit different than I thought, but I did end up with an interior design degree, a bridal shop and 3 kids. How about that?
So it’s my job to figure out what’s coming next for The Midwest Girl®. I love textiles and fabrics and layering the perfect combination of them to create a true heirloom piece of clothing. I don’t like cheap and I don’t like fast. I’m thoughtful, a perfectionist and a lover of vintage collegiate clothing. And I hope more than anything you see that style, quality and aesthetic shine through each piece of our merchandise.
I’m a mama to Cal, Isla & Faye, a wife to Eric and also a bridal shop owner. Let me know if you need a wedding dress with your next tee shirt!
The Midwest Girl® is a local tee shirt brand developed by two Wisconsin sisters. Born 12 years apart, they had a vision for creating a Midwest brand that represented who they were, where they came from, and would keep them connected no matter where the trail would take them.
The Midwest Girl® is a homage to our small town Wisconsin roots. Our mom & dad taught us to never forget where you came from and to always celebrate family tradition. Our goods are inspired by the memories of growing up and living in the Wisconsin, and are a genuine reflection of Midwest values. A brand that celebrates you, an authentic Midwest Girl. May you always remember your roots.